

"Koghb" Digital Studio

The "Koghb" Digital Studio was established in 2022 by the "Koghb" Foundation in collaboration with the Koghb Art School. As part of the project's framework, young people from Noyemberyan community of Tavush region attend the following free courses:

3D modeling
Graphic design
Audio studio

The participants will have mastered the skills of working remotely on freelance platforms and will have their own pages with appropriate portfolios by the end of the project.
At least 40% of participants must be able to earn a competitive income on their own at the end of the project.
The "Koghb" Digital Studio has had about 80 students so far.

Literary competition named after Vazgen Sargsyan

For the second year, "Koghb" Foundation and "Combat Brotherhood" are holding a literary competition named after Vazgen Sargsyan, dedicated to the first and second Artsakh wars.
The competition is aimed at valuing numerous individual stories and turning points in the fate of an entire nation, making them audible and visible, demonstrating the unwavering determination of the nation to move forward, continue to live, and create while remembering the past, its lessons, and real heroes.
The objectives of the competition are:
a. The public understanding and reliving of the war as the most pivotal event in the nation’s life, as well as the documentation and transmission of the psychological, artistic, documentary, and analytical experience of those who lived through the war, placing it on the public agenda and in the center of attention.
b. Making the war participants’ voices, points of view, and experiences audible and bringing them to the forefront of public attention.
c. The identification of talents among the war participants: literary, analytical, etc.
d. War documentation, which would subsequently be used for historiography, social science, military science, and art.
Military personnel who took part in the first and second Artsakh wars, as well as border military clashes: conscripts, volunteers, reservists, officers, and non-commissioned officers, doctors, etc. are eligible to apply.  
Works of those deceased in war can also be submitted.
For more detailed information about the competition and terms of participation visit www.kamq.org.

Mansurian International Competition

The Mansurian International Competition is a bright fusion of times, classics and modernism, a grey-haired wisdom and the craziest young breeze, and, of course, her majesty Music merged with Literature!
The mission of the Competition is to discover talented musicians from all over the world, revive the centuries-old Armenian literary heritage, popularize modern poetry, and praise the Armenian language and culture through the world's universal language - music.
The competition carries the name of Maestro Tigran Mansuryan, one of the greatest representatives of the contemporary Armenian composing school. Mansurian’s music reflects the heritage of the venerable musical tradition of Armenia, which dates back to more than a thousand years and ranges from the melodies of medieval ecclesiastical chant to specific scalar systems and musical forms.
Visit  www.mansuriancompetition.org to learn more about the competition.

"Our Fight"

"Our Fight" speech series is a logical continuation of the "Russian-Turkish Cage" series.
It is dedicated to our times, starting from 2015. It seeks to examine how the Russian-Turkish alliance of our times came to be and how it fundamentally altered our lives.
You can watch the series on our channel.

Book publishing

The book publishing projects of “Koghb” Foundation aim to promote the publication and accessibility of valuable and up-to-date literature in Armenian, enabling the reader to discover new ideas, and viewpoints, encourage free thinking, and contribute to intellectual discourse and social advancement.
The following books were published within the publishing project of "Koghb" Foundation:

“Six Prisons and Two Revolutions”, Oliver Baldwin (2022)
"Horizons. A Comprehensive Approach to Building a National Security System", Hrachya Arzumanyan (2023)
"The Great Vasak Syuni", Hamlet Davtyan (2023)
"The Unknown War of Vardanants. The Armenian Apostolic Church and the Course of our History", Hamlet Davtyan (2024)
"The Mamikonyans. Myth and Reality", Hamlet Davtyan (2024)


The "Hayrenachanachutyun" project was launched by the “Koghb” Foundation in schools of the Noyemberyan community of Tavush region. The goal of the project is for every student to visit, explore and get to know the key cultural and historical monuments of the Republic of Armenia which are included in the public school curriculum. This initiative aims to provide students with a deeper, more enduring, and accurate understanding of Armenia's rich historical and cultural heritage. By engaging in this immersive learning process, they will forge stronger connections to their roots.
A total of 500 students and 25 teachers took part in the project in the course of a year and a half. Students visited about 30 historical and cultural sites: churches, monasteries, fortresses, museums, and participated in thematic lectures and discussions led by leading experts in their respective fields.
The project intends to gradually include all Republic schools. 


For the third year in a row, "Koghb" Foundation is organizing a huge Vardavar celebration in Koghb village of Tavush marz.
During these days, locals and visitors from all around Armenia and abroad can participate in a variety of educational, cultural, and entertainment events, as well as enjoy the genuine Vardavar celebration, recharge, and create bright emotions and memories.
“KoghbxVardavar” project aims to revive Armenian national values, customs, and festivities while also promoting cultural interaction, economic activity, and frontier region development.
This year, on July 5, 6, and 7, join us at Koghb to celebrate Vardavar in the richest colors.


completed projects

Armenian-British Conference

"Koghb" Foundation is organizing a conference dedicated to Armenian-British relations, within the framework of which the presentation of the Armenian edition of Oliver Baldwin's book "Six prisons and two revolutions" will take place.
The purpose of the conference is to reveal and present the real role of Great Britain in our region and, in particular, its influence on Armenia.
Within the framework of the conference, a number of scientists and researchers from Armenia and the UK will present their reports on this topic.
You can watch the reports on our channel.

Russian-Turkish Cage

"Russian-Turkish Cage" speech series aims at discovering discreet relations between Russia and Turkey and discover Armenia in their cage.
You may watch the series on our channel.


In 2016 “Koghb” Foundation together with the “Simonian” educational Foundation undertook the “TUMOxKoghb” project according to which TUMO center for creative technologies is being built in the frontier territory Koghb. The center, which is to serve the youth from Noyemberyan, Koghb, Berdavan, and more than 10 neighboring frontier communities, is designed for 1.000 students.
According to the memorandum, the total budget of the project (including operational costs until 2025) is equal to about 3 million USA dollars.
This center, where the itinerant coaches from all 4 TUMO centers as well as invited coaches from abroad are to teach, will follow the basic educational program of the TUMO center. 


"Antares" NGO and "Koghb" foundation signed an agreement of cooperation in the frame of which the bestseller series of Nassim Taleb "Incerto" is translated into Armenian and published. The series includes:
✅ 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
✅ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐧
✅ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐬
✅ 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐞
✅ 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞
Prior to becoming a practical researcher in the areas of philosophy, mathematics and probability Nassim Taleb had been taking and managing risks for 21 years.



The speaker of "Triangle" series, political scientist Manvel Sargsyan, analyzes the political events taking place in Armenia, based on historical facts, national essence and character. The series is highly actual, as the analyses are current, explaining the triangular connection and developments between Russia, Turkey and Armenia.
You can watch the series on our Armenian, English and Turkish channels.


Together with "Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies", we are carrying out a series of "Combined" speeches, which aims to invite speakers with opposing positions at first sight to combine their positions. The series is led by Anna Gevorgyan, a senior researcher at the CCCS.
You may watch the series օn our channel.

Koghb 7000 Tree Planting

In October of 2020 "Koghb" foundation will celebrate the 7th anniversary of its foundation and activity. To celebrate this event about 7.000 forest, forest fruit, and decorative trees were planted on 5 hectares field in Zikatar state reserve, Koghb Community, Tavush Marz.
Fund benefactors, supporters, nature lovers, and wide public members participated in the event. Starting from July the participants were able to book their future tree and choose its exact location on a schematic map on the foundation’s official web page and to plant their personal or family trees already on May 1.
The project will promote afforestation in the RA as well as will endow the completion of Tumo center construction in Koghb with the project income.

Creating a video game

On June 1, 2020, the Day of Protection of Children’s Rights, "Koghb" foundation launched a new educational project announcing an open competition aiming to create an entertaining educational videogame.
All creative individuals, teams, and companies are eligible to participate in the open competition by presenting the concept and script of proposed videogame till August 1 that would develop the following skills of children aged 10 and more:
✅ thinking and understanding
✅ decision making
✅ creation and building
✅ preserving nature.

Project details are available here.

Algorithm of Political Science

In November 2019, "Koghb" foundation, in cooperation with "Boon" foundation, launched a new project, "Algorithm of Political Science " talk series. The project aims to understand and (re) establish what we know, because only in that case we will be able to use it for the sake of progress and sustainable development. The speaker of the talk series is political scientist Manvel Sargsyan.

Anatomy of Sovereignty

In November, 2019 "Koghb" foundation and "Boon" Scientific and Cultural Foundation launched a new series of lectures titled "Anatomy of Sovereignty". The speeches will touch upon various aspects of the issue of sovereignty. Sovereignty will be viewed from philosophical, political, anthropological, economic, cultural and educational aspects. The main question is to what extent people and societies will be able to become or remain sovereign in the age of algorithms and data.
Is it dangerous to think and act under total control? The problem is especially relevant in Armenia, where the idea of conspiracy theories woven around us is rooted, and everything happens within the framework of these theories. How to get out of this mess called "trained helplessness"? , a mindset when people do not believe that they and others can make a change.

The project coordinator is Serob Khachatryan.

What to do? How to do?

The cooperation established by the Memorandum of Understanding signed between "Koghb" Foundation and  "Boon" Scientific and Cultural Foundation in 2017 continued within the framework of the second series of lectures, "What to do? How to do?". The speech series aim to discuss the options to solve the problems that exist today through the practical application of values.
The revolution of values must be followed by the one of ideas, and consequently, the word about values must be followed by the word on specific area-centered ideas and proposals.
The project speaker is Arman Barseghyan.


The project of creating an agricultural incubator in Tavush province came to life as a result of the cooperation between “Koghb” foundation and “Refruit” LLC. The main goals of the project are:
✅To form a stable demand for agricultural food of frontier communities of Tavush province,
Through training and internships prepare young specialists equipped with corresponding knowledge and skills who in the future will be able to unite and create agricultural cooperatives or other establishments in their own.
✅ To organize a united system for marketing and the consumption of these products.
✅To finance the ongoing expenses (including the TUMO center construction in Koghb community) by the means accumulated in the result of agricultural incubator’s activity.


In 2017 "Koghb" foundation and "Boon" scientific-cultural fund signed a memorandum of understanding and started their cooperation in the frames of "Axiology" project. The project consisted of a series of 11 talk-discussions. The meetings aim to promote the creation and stable development of a value-based society. David Hovhannisyan, orientalist and diplomat, a founder professor of the chair of "Arabian studies"at YSU, is the coordinator of the project.


In the frames of cooperation with “Boon” foundation, we are happy to announce the results of one more project on “Boonus” educational platform.  The outcome is an online video series of textbook “10th Grade Social Science” course (1st part: “Personal Finances”, 2nd part: “Business”).

Up-to-date and superb educating videos are available not only for each and every Armenian student regardless of their region, but also for our compatriots living abroad.


KOGHBxTUMO summer camp

In the frames of the cooperation between “Koghb” foundation and “TUMO” center for creative technologies 26 teenagers from the frontier Koghb and other communities participated in TUMO summer camp.


In the course of several years “Koghb” foundation awarded scholarships to the winners of “Talented Children” competition of “Quantum” College encouraging them to make the best of use of their knowledge and gain victory in different olympiads.


Out of 10 communities of the region, the foundation formed “Zikatar” football team which participated in the RA Junior football league. Last year the team became the champion of its subgroup leaving behind a number of well-known football teams from the capital, and reached the Premier League of players under 16.
Samvel Adamyan, the ex-coach of RA Youth Team, now trains “Zikatar”. 

"Koghb" for Education

Due to “Koghb” foundation about 90 educational and cultural projects were financed in Armenia and Artsakh with a sum of 100 million AMD. Not only were our applicants given the opportunity to start or continue their education at Armenian educational establishments but also at the best international universities of the world such as Oxford, Berkeley, Sorbonne, etc.


Hamlet Davtyan's "The Great Vasak Syuni" book presentation

The presentation of Hamlet Davtyan’s book “The Great Vasak Syuni” was held on June17, 2023.
This work is unique in that it invites the reader to reflect on our past, present, and future, rather than simply reexamining the Armenian 5th century.
"We don't want to admit that we have misconceptions in terms of Vasak-Vardan, that we have delved more into finding the culprit through this contrast than trying to reach the truth itself, thus turning the search for the culprit into a national character."
During the presentation, Arman Barseghyan, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the "Koghb" Foundation, gave a welcome speech before handing over the stage to the author, who presented the book and answered questions from the audience.

Hrachya Arzumanyan's "Horizons: A Comprehensive Approach to Building a National Security System" book presentation

The presentation of the book by Doctor of Political Science, PhD in Technical Sciences Hrachya Arzumanyan "Horizons: A Comprehensive Approach to Building a National Security System" book was held on February 7th, 2023.
The book focuses on defense and security issues in the geopolitical context of the twenty-first century. The author comprehensively analyzes the defense and security systems of several countries, arguing that a comprehensive defense and security system should be developed and implemented in Armenia.
The book also covers the mechanisms and tools for restraining aggression and protecting against armed attacks during hybrid wars.
During the presentation, Arman Barseghyan, Chairman of the Board of the "Koghb" Foundation, gave a welcome speech, followed by Arman Poghosyan, co-founder of the "Instigate" company.
The author was then offered the stage to introduce the book and answer participants' questions.

Oliver Baldwin's "Six Prisons and Two Revolutions" book presentation

The presentation of Oliver Baldwin's book "Six Prisons and Two Revolutions" was held on the 3rd of November, 2022, at Tigran the Great hall of Mariott Armenia hotel.
Oliver Baldwin, the son of Stanley Baldwin, the Prime Minister of England, came to Armenia at the invitation of Alexander Khatissian in the fall of 1920 and served as a lieutenant colonel in the Armenian army, wrote the book "Six Prisons and Two Revolutions" about what he witnessed and what happened to him in Armenia.
100 years since the first publication of the book, it is presented to the Armenian reader by Leonid Zilfugarian’s translation, Lernik Dallakyan’s edition and Hrant Ter-Abrahamian’s preface.
At the beginning of the presentation the RA Ambassador to the United Kingdom Varuzhan Nersesyan and the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the RA John Gallagher delivered their speeches.
Then historian, publicist Hrant Ter-Abrahamyan briefly presented the book and his research paper titled “The framework of anti-British propaganda in Russian, Soviet, Soviet-Armenian historiography and post-Soviet Armenia”.

Nassim Taleb's "Incerto" book series: presentation

On October 7, 2021, at the Meridian Expo Center, "Koghb Foundation" and "Antares" NGO organized the presentation of "Incerto" book series by a world-famous writer, mathematician, trader Nasim Taleb. The presentation consisted of three parts: musical and cultural, designed by maestro Tigran Mansuryan, speech of the organizers, presentation of books, display of Nasim Taleb's message, speech of translators, editors and jazz concert with the participation of Vahagn Hayrapetyan and trio.
Each of the five partners of the event presented one of the books of the series and the symbolic gift to demonstrate them on the auction together with the signed books by Nassim Taleb, Tigran Masnuryan, Vahagn Khachatryan and Vahagn Hayrapetyan.
The five partners of the presentation were: Yerevan Brandy Company, "Telecom Armenia" company, "Fora Premium" company, "Armenian Helicopters" company, "Armenia Marriott Yerevan" hotel.
All the fund raised at the auction will be directed to the development of physical, mathematical and engineering education in the regions of Armenia.

Presentation of Nassim Taleb's "Incerto" series

The presentation of the Armenian translation of Nassim Taleb's "Incerto" bestselling book series "The Black Swan" and "The Bed of Procrustes" was held on June 27, 2021, at Aram Khachaturian House-Museum. The event started with the author's special video message to the Armenian reader. This was followed by a discussion of Taleb's concepts and their manifestations in our reality. The invited speakers of the discussion-presentation were Serob Khachatryan, Vahagn Khachatryan, Tigran Mansuryan.

Koghb Music School was renamed after Tigran Mansurian

On the initiative of Koghb Foundation and by Noyemberyan community's Council's decision Koghb Music School was named in honor of the great composer Tigran Mansuryan.
Maestro Mansuryan's presence and touching words at the naming event made it even warmer and memorable.
A concert with the participation of school students and teachers followed the naming ceremony that was filled with Mansuryan's spirit. Teachers and pupils of the music school already bearing the name of Tigran Mansuryan that was recently renovated, furnished, well-equipped with new musical instruments and will continue their work and education with greater responsibility.

Visit our volunteers from Koghb village to Yerevan

We invited our volunteers from the Tavush region, who are always ready to support us, to Yerevan, in order to spend 3 days together from the summer holidays. After arriving in Yerevan and having a short rest, the children spent the rest of the day visiting the Tumo Center for Creative Technologies.
On the second day of the visit, in the morning, the children visited Matenadaran, then "Antares" printing house, where they got acquainted with the entire process of creating a book - from printing to organization. The children spent the evening at the Cafesjian Museum, admiring the Yerevan horizons from the Cascade, and before their Chinese-style dinner they watched already favorite cartoon "Olympius". 
On the last day of the visit, our volunteers visited the house-museums of Hovhannes Tumanyan and Martiros Saryan, further enriching their stock of knowledge and impressions. Then the children visited Yerevan zoo, and before parting they received certificates of appreciation for the invaluable support of the Kohb Tree-planting project.


On November 16, 2019 "Koghb" and "Boon" foundations celebrated two years of cooperation, launching two new series of lectures: "Anatomy of Sovereignty" and "Algorithm of Political Science". The two-year cooperation of the foundations gave rise to a new cooperation with "Aram Khachaturian House-Museum".

KoghbxTUMO fundraising event

On November 19, 2018 “Koghb” foundation organized one more charity event at “Megerian Carpet Armenia”. The financial means raised at the evening were directed to support “KoghbxTumo” project held at a frontier territory of Tavush province.

KoghbxTumo charity event

The first fundraising event organized by “Koghb” foundation took place in 2017 at Cafesjian center. The financial means raised during the event were directed to launch "KoghbxTumo" project held in frontier territory of Tavush province.


On June 6, 2017 the ceremony of placing the first stone for construction of “TumoxKoghb” project took place. The event was organized by “Koghb” foundation and “Simonian” fund. RA president Serzh Sargsyan, Minister of Defense Vigen Sargsyan, Tavush province governor Hovik Abovyan, the founder of “Simonyan” educational fund Sam Simonian, the Director of “Ucom” company Hayk Yesayan, guests from Armenia and abroad were present at this epoch-making event.


The official opening ceremony of “Koghb” foundation

In 2015 “Koghb” foundation officially announced the start of its activity and launched its web page.

ArtForest opening event